The Yacht that combines luxury with eco-friendly

Owning a yacht is often a complete power-move, and if you’re the kind to buy one, you’re likely to be unaffected by the price of fuel. However, if you’re a billionaire that’s invested in the future and the health of this planet, the SolarImpact Yacht’s for you.

Designed to be an all-electric yacht, the SolarImpact, like its name suggests, draws power entirely from the massive array of solar panels on its roof. Its electric build means the yacht isn’t just much more sustainable than a fuel yacht, but its quieter too, plus with a hull featuring SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) construction, you’ve got yourself a catamaran that’s much more stable in the water, so you or your guests are less likely to get sea-sick.

The yacht comes with an exceptional top-speed of 20 knots, and even has an AI on board that automates most of the key systems, allowing it to be driven by no more than one person… its owner. Now that’s definitely a power-move.

Designer: SolarImpact






